Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sugarbush - Skiing in Vermont

My first taste of skiing was yesterday morning, when I nervously strapped my rented boots on and awkwardly walked to the beginner's group lesson. I didn't know what to expect, but I had a feeling I was going to hate skiing. I never have had a desire to speed out of control down a mountain in freezing (or below) temperatures. I'm doing this for Charlie, who is also a beginning skier, but who loved skiing from the first trip down the bunny hill.

What I discovered two hours later was this:

1. Skiing is HARD WORK!!
2. Ski boots are not comfortable.
3. I am not a natural skier.
4. I didn't hate skiing, but I definitely am going to have to take baby baby steps to develop a love for it.

I didn't make it to the "magic carpet" and there was no way I was ready for even the bunny hill. But in my lesson I did learn how to walk in skis, how to make a wedge, and how to push myself off. I didn't quite grasp the concept of turning (in either direction) and of controlling my speed and direction by putting pressure on one or both feet. I also kept leaning backwards, which is apparently a beginner's mistake. I fell a lot, but at least I didn't hit the fence like the other girl who never made it up a real hill. The two of us were the "ski lesson rejects" who had to stay behind and practice the basics while the rest of our group went up because they already got it all. I was kind of glad I didn't have to go up any hills. That, to me, is going to be the hardest part. I do not want to go down any hills. Not even the bunny hill!

I didn't get back on my skis after the lesson was over. Instead, I watched the rest of the good skiers confidently slide, turn, stop, and guide themselves. I realized then that I lack that key ingredient: confidence. In athletic situations, I always feel inadequate, probably because I never played any sports ever. I see now that I should have at least done something athletic when I was younger, because now I wish I had that confidence that comes from knowing your body can do new things when challenged.

But I don't hate skiing altogether. Maybe I should try cross-country skiing and see how that goes!

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