Monday, December 27, 2010

New Year, New Focus

Well, a new year is almost here, and I'm ready to go! I'm feeling very focused on a couple of aspects of my life that need to be different. For instance, I've really let my working out and eating healthy goals slide in the past six months. Sure, moving, being "homeless" for two months, and adjusting to life back in Arkansas was partly to blame, but there's really no excuse for throwing away so much progress that I made at the beginning of 2010. So, that being said, I'm going for it again. Back to buying healthy foods, planning menus, making and taking time to work out regularly, back to, back to drinking water instead of diet coke, and back to respecting myself.

I'm also seriously thinking about what I need to do career-wise once this school year is over. I could teach again next year, but I'm probaby going to be very selective about where I even apply. I sort of want a change, but I'm not really sure yet what that change should be. Motherhood is looming over the horizon, but there's no guarantee that will happen this next year. I have a few options, but still praying/thinking about it.

Charlie and I may have found a new church home. We visited on Sunday, and we both felt like this could be the one. It will be so nice to become apart of a church we are excited about going to!

So, to sum up, I'm ready for this new year - 2011 is going to be a year of change, of challenging myself, of new beginnings. I can feel it! It's also the year I turn 30 - did I mention that??

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